
The Shenzen Ready Made Design to the World (SHRM)

About Project

The Shenzen Ready Made Design to the world (SHRM) Project targets a group of unemployed women and girls who have been trained to manufacture new brands of Electronics incorporating Artificial Intelligence e and commit to a long term business investment, the broader objective being to create a new model for developing the Ghanaian entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Each participant has been trained as experts in either of these Skills; Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), Electronics, Web Development, Marketing, Business Development, Mobile Application Development and Graphic Design. The participants have formed a startup called Exiteck where they manufacture new brands of Electronics incorporating Artificial Intelligence. Currently, Exiteck has in stock affordable IP Cameras that are incorporated with Artificial Intelligence which suits the needs of customers for security and comfortability taken into consideration.

Shenzen Innovation Lab in China , Design Trust Hong Kong and Bridge the Gap through Kumasi Hive.

  • Total of Girls and Women Trained ; 6
  • Number of Startups formed ; 1